Heading  to Italy?  Confused between osterias  and   trattorias? Here's  a  quick guide  to  help you differentiate  between  the  types  of r estaurants  in Italy.

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1.  Osteria

An osteria is a restaurant type referring to a place that sells wine to drink and a limited menu of simple foods.

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2. Trattoria

A “trattoria” is an Italian restaurant that is less formal than a ristorante but more formal than an osteria. The trattoria is popular among travelers and workers.

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3. Ristorante

A “ristorante” in the Italian sense is the most formal kind of eating place in Italy. They can range from intimate and cozy to formal fine dining with higher prices.

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4. Pizzeria

A pizzeria in Italy only serves pizza by a "pizzaiolo" or pizza maker, working with a wood-burning oven. It can range from informal to fancy.

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5. Tavola Calda

A "tavola calda", literally translated to hot table, is a no frills inexpensive business serving prepared food made the same day and sold from behind a counter.  

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6. Agriturismo

A farm stay or “agriturismo” is a way to experience authentic hospitality throughout the countryside of Italy to experience Italian rural life.

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